Sunday, November 16, 2008

Memory Verses

As I mentioned before, Nathan has moved up to Children's Church at church. They have a memory verse every week. The first week, we got right to work, and Nathan had it memorized by Wednesday - Matt. 7:11: "So surely your heavenly father will give good things to those who ask Him." Last week, I completely forgot about it until mid-week, but he was SURE to remind me! :) It took a bit of last minute work, but he got it to0 - Matt. 8:8: "Lord, I am not good enough for you to come into my house. Command that my servant be healed, and he will be healed." I am so proud of my little man! He is showing some of the big kids - and adults - that it can be done.

Fast forward to most kids, Nathan tends to get up a few times after we actually get him to bed. So, when he got up tonight, I was frustrated with him and told him to get back to bed while I put ice in his cup (don't ask - his daddy started him on this). On the way back to bed, he yelled, "but I know my memory verse!" I guess that good was supposed to outweigh the bad. I couldn't help but chuckle. He's a mess sometimes!

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