Monday, November 17, 2008

He Knows His Name!

Tonight, Sean and I were quizzing Elijah on a few things before bed. At first, he kept telling us that his name was 4! This comes because Nathan always says he is 4 when people ask how old he is. So, that's what started this whole thing...we taught him that he is 2 years old...and we showed him how to do show that on his fingers.

Within the last week or so, Elijah began identifying himself by name. Now, when he sees himself in a photo, he says, "Jijah!" Until now, he has always looked at us with a blank stare when we show him pictures of himself. He used to get that same stare when someone would ask, "So, what's your name?" This weekend, I noticed that when we went through the, "Where's Mommy/Daddy/Nathan?" game, he could point to himself when I asked, "Where's Elijah?" So, tonight, I asked, "What's your name?" and he said, "Jijah!"

Oh, yes, it's becoming more and more apparent that he is no longer a baby. The closer his 2nd birthday gets, the worse it is!


Helen said...

Yay! What a big boy! (Yes, I know, you didn't want to hear that, huh?)

Anonymous said...

AAW so cute!!! Raemi sees pics of herself and says "baby" and gets upset when she sees pics of me holding her cause she thinks I'm holding some other baby, LOL!!! (((hugs))) I know it's hard when it seems like you just blink your eyes and they grow so much!

Holly said...

I feel your less than a week BOTH of our babies will be 2!!! Where did the past two years go?!?! Ugh!! Avree would NOT say her name for the LONGEST time finally someone called her "RE RE" and she repeated so just recently she started pointing at pictures saying "re re" it's great! LOL! We are working on the two thing as well but that is taking a little longer!! What are you doing for Elijah's birthday? We are just having a small family get together!