Monday, February 8, 2010

Our "Powder Puff Girl" is Rolling!

Let me rolling, I do not mean that she is getting around by rolling across the room.  Not YET.  Come on, she's only 3 months old!  BUT, during the Super Bowl party at church last night, I put her on her tummy and watched her roll onto her back for the first time. :)  I think she is the first of my kids that I actually got to SEE do this.  Love it!  I tried yelling at my mom to look while she did it, but it was rather hard to hear in there with the game on.  (She did catch on and saw Kadynce on her back shortly thereafter.)  It won't be long before she'll roll from her back to her tummy - she can get to her side but not all the way over yet. 

And now for her new title of "Powder Puff Girl..."  We had MOPS this morning, and I was holding her during our group's discussion time.  At one point, I thought I smelled a dirty diaper.  She was sitting up on the table so I leaned her head on my shoulder and peeked at the diaper from the top.  As I opened the diaper, she let out a little toot and "poof" - out came a poof of baby powder.  It was hilarious, and the 2 other ladies at my table at the time got quite a kick out of it.  Thus, she has earned herself the title of "Powder Puff Girl." :)

Happy Valentine's Day from our own "Powder Puff Girl!"

Darn Wisdom Teeth

So...why do we have wisdom teeth?!  Very few people actually get to keep them or have room for them, and most people go through much pain with them.  I have often wondered what God's reasoning was in giving us these extra teeth since very few people can actually use them!  I am not one of those lucky people.  I have been battling with my wisdom teeth since high school, and the time has finally come for them to be removed IMMEDIATELY!

When Kadynce was about 3 weeks old (right before Thanksgiving), I started having some pain on the left side of my mouth.  Very soon, I realized that I was clenching my jaw/gritting my teeth whenever I slept.  Sean later told me that I was grinding my teeth at times as well.  The pain subsided for a few weeks around Christmas and New Year's, but it started up again at the end of Jan.  I finally broke down and went to the dentist last week.  I have a rather large cavity in my upper left wisdom tooth - which is fully in.  I am now finishing my last day of penicillin and will be calling an oral surgeon this week.  I was told that I need that tooth out ASAP...within the next 2 weeks.  So, we are working fast and furiously on that!  Blech!  I am getting all 4 done at once...2 will be pulled (top) and 2 will be surgically removed.

I am hoping to get this scheduled on a Friday so that Sean only has to miss one day of work to help with my recovery.  He will probably stay with the kids, and my mom will help me.  I am waking early every morning to pump as I suspect that even if I CAN nurse Kadynce during this time, I will not feel like it (thank goodness that she takes a bottle).  My sis is helping with this part of the endeavor (and I am eternally grateful) - I KNEW there was a reason we got pregnant at the same time. LOL

I will keep everyone posted on much as I hate the idea of it! :)

Tissue...Kiss You...

Last Thursday, I had to go to the dentist so my mom watched the boys for me (Kadynce stayed with me).  Elijah said something to my mom...and having worked with children most of her life, she went to interpret what he said as a mispronunciation of the phrase, "Kiss You."  She immediately corrected him - "Elijah, say k-k-kiss you."  He confusingly obliged and said, "K-k-kiss you!"  Nathan finally spoke up on his brother's behalf and said, "Mawmaw, he needs a TISSUE!"  Apparently, Elijah had originally said, "I need a tissue," and my mom heard, "I need to 'tiss' you." LOL  How cute is that (on both parts)?!

Not the best picture, but it's the most recent one I have of Elijah on the computer. :)