Monday, August 10, 2009


So, apparently, pregnancy and blogging do not work well for me. I wonder if anyone even follows my blog anymore...probably not. But, it gives me an outlet to begin working on something that Sean and God have been on me about for quite some time - writing.

Throughout middle school and high school, I had several pen pals (some of whom I am still friends with today...none of whom I have ever met). I was always known by the notes of encouragement I would pass out to people at church. I would write notes to friends when we went on vacation and even started a story, which was never fully completed. People always saw me with a pen and paper nearby. Six years ago, I graduated from college with a degree in literary studies with the full intention of writing "some day." I figured it would be the perfect career to have while being a stay-at-home mommy and raising a family, not to mention the fact that I really enjoy writing.

Well, it seems that "someday" may have arrived. Perhaps the reason I have neglected my blog so much is because I am ignoring the nudging God is doing in my spirit. Within the last two weeks, I have received a couple of words at church about writing and fulfilling my calling. Then, this weekend, I went to see the movie, "Julie & Julia" with a girlfriend of mine. While the main focus of this movie is about cooking, there is an underlying theme about writing, and it was even more fire under me.

I honestly don't know what I'm going to write about or where to start. Sean and I have a few ideas for children's books that we have been tossing around so maybe I'll start there. How to get published or who to contact....that kind of thing is what I am clueless about so if you have any suggestions or contacts, please let me know.

I'll keep you posted on what evolves from this journey. In the meantime, I could use all of the prayers, encouragement and support as I embark on this endeavor that cannot be ignored.