Friday, October 3, 2008

Boy Funnies

OK, I do have these cute quotes from the boys to share with everyone...

Both occurred today as we were getting Nathan's 4 year portraits done at Target. On the way there, Nathan told me, "Mama, my heart burns." Thinking that there could be something seriously wrong with my almost 4 year old, I ask him what he means. "Yeah, I think Jesus is trying to get out or something." Oh, brother...where does he come up with this stuff?

While waiting to view the portraits, my mom decided to treat the boys to popcorn. The lady behind the counter noticed our dilemma of 2 boys and 1 bag of popcorn so she actually threw in a 3/4 bag of popcorn for Elijah so that everyone had their own bag. :) (I thought that was something nice that you rarely see these days.) Anyways, my mom had Elijah in a cart, and I was pushing Nathan. Mom reached over to eat some of Elijah's popcorn, and he yelled, "Heyyy!" OK, it was much funnier coming from the voice of a 22 month old!

They do keep me on my toes, but that's what makes life exciting! I love these two angels so much. They are really such good, sweet boys. Oh, and Nathan could be a model - he hammed it UP for those photos!!! I paid extra to get them on email so I'll have to post some on here when I get them.

1 comment:

Helen said...

LOL - Nathan's funny!