Saturday, August 16, 2008

This Week

As you might have imagined, we have been pretty busy this week with Elijah. Monday through Thursday were pretty crazy. Things started looking up Thursday afternoon. By Friday, Elijah was back to his normal self...when he was on the pain meds, that is. :) Daddy had him Friday night because I had a meeting with MOPS, and he decided not to give Elijah his pain meds as we had discussed weaning him off them when he seemed better. OK, so maybe weaning him off of them overnight wasn't such a good idea since he woke up a few times overnight (Daddy had to deal with him). He has done great today and even got out with me for a bit this afternoon to run errands. He woke up extremely fussy after nap - crying and holding his mouth - so we gave him more pain meds, and he has done great since then. We'll give him another dose before bed so that he sleeps, but overall, he is doing great!!!

I've got some cute pictures of Elijah from this week - riding in the wagon in the hospital, in his baby hospital gown, preparing for surgery, etc. I am hoping to upload them in a bit while the boys watch a movie before bed. Forgive me if I post some that are older too - it's been a while since I've uploaded!!!

1 comment:

Heather said...

AAAW (((hugs for Elijah))) I'm glad he recovered so well!