Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Welcome, 2010!

Five months later, and I'm baaaack!  Thought you'd never hear from me again?!  Wrong!  I just needed some time to catch my breath.  LIFE got pretty crazy after my last post.  In a nutshell...Sean got a job on August 18th as a project manager for a property management company in Dallas.  Praise God!  He did not abandon us, yet again!!!  Sean really enjoys his job, moreso than anything he's done in the past.  That is really refreshing - to know that he is enjoying what he does during the day!  Two weeks after Sean started his job, Elijah broke his left femur when he fell at McDonald's.  He spent the night in the hospital and was put into a spica cast from the waist down.  It was so sad to see!  He was in that dreaded thing for 6 VERY LONG weeks.  To make matters worse, I was 32 weeks pregnant when this happened so I could not care for him on my own (that cast was HEAVY!).  Therefore, we relied greatly on the help of friends and family - to whom we are forever endebted. (You know who you are!)  Elijah's cast came off on October 12th, and I'm not sure who was happier - Elijah or Sean and I. :)  Almost 3 weeks later, on November 1st, Kadynce Joy graced us with her presence.  She weighed 7 lbs. 15 oz. and was 21.5 inches long at birth.  Shortly thereafter, our church purchased its own building and moved to our new location in Wylie at the corner of 1st and Brown.  Then, we celebrated Elijah's 3rd birthday (Dec. 5th), Sean's 31st birthday (Dec. 13th), my dad's birthday (Dec. 22nd), Christmas (Dec. 24th-26th),  New Year's and my 31st birthday (Jan. 2nd).  Needless to say, the last half of 2009 was quite busy for us!  I can't say that 2009 was our best year, but God, once again, taught us many things through it, and we praise Him for pulling us through.  The "Footprints" poem is quite appropriate for the way I feel about the end of last year - He literally CARRIED me through; I would not have made it on my own.

And so, we look forward to 2010 with open arms and great expectations for a blissful year.  We will celebrate many exciting events this year...from Kadynce's 1st birthday to Nathan starting school in August!  It's already started off quite nicely.  We had a blast celebrating my birthday this weekend.  We went to Babe's Chicken House in Frisco as a family for my birthday lunch.  We stopped at Love, Peace, Popcorn for a popcorn/frozen lemonade treat on the way home.  I went to Kohl's to use my Kohl's cash from Christmas (while the kids napped and Sean did dishes - aw!).  I got a black pencil skirt that Sean used as part of my birthday gift (I picked out some new Skechers earlier in the week), and I got a matching black sweater and scarf with my Kohl's cash!  Score!!!  I came home to my brother and his girlfriend here to spend an evening with our boys.  Sean, Kadynce and I went to the mall and walked around (thought about going to the movies, but well...that would take a whole other post).  Then, we had a late dinner at Macaroni Grill (yum!).  Sean and I had a nice time together because Kadynce slept the whole time!!!  On Sunday, I had a birthday lunch with family and close friends at Black Eyed Pea.  It was a very nice time and a great way to kick off 2010.  I look forward with anticipate to all of the exciting things this year holds.

Oh, and I have totally redone the blog.  "Pretty in Pink: Running a House of Blue" did not really fit anymore, even though I had a friend tell me that Kadynce will probably run this house too.  LOL  "Mudpies and Lollipops" is a much better representation of our family these days.  I am excited about this new blog and promise not to wait 5 months before posting again.  I just uploaded picture from Christmas through my birthday and hope to get some of those up soon.  Thanks for reading!!!

1 comment:

Krysta said...

're back! The new setup looks great!