Monday, September 1, 2008

A Brother's Kiss

"Ouch!" is right!!!
We were at a store that had one of those cars for the children attached to it. This particular one had a spot for 2 kiddos - complete with 2 steering wheels. So, of course, my boys were in heaven since they could BOTH drive it. We were doing good for quite a while...and then it got quiet. I should have known that there's always a calm before the storm. Out of nowhere, I heard a blood-curdling "hurt" wail from Nathan! I ran over to see what in the WORLD was going on. (The cart was stopped while I was looking at something.) I find Nathan holding his cheek. When he sees me, he says, 'Lijah bit me! Sure enough, there on his cheek is the "kiss" of his brother...whom promptly got removed from the car and tapped on the mouth. We rubbed it in the store and put ice on it at home. It got pretty ugly several days later as it turned yellow before it went away! Elijah is NOT a biter - he's done it only a handful of times - so I do wonder what prompted this "kiss." The joys of having 2 boys...

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