Wednesday, August 18, 2010

My Baby

Six years ago, I waited in eager anticipation for the birth of my firstborn.  I could not wait to become a mother!  Ten short weeks later, I met my Nathan Isaac face-to-face.  I loved spending one on one time with Nathan as a newborn and toddler.  But, as a first time parent, I was a bit too eager for him to reach the next milestone, the next stage.

Nathan has always been the typical firstborn - receiving attention from everyone (esp. his Uncle Sam).

As I watched him grow from a baby to a toddler to a preschooler...I was amazed at the blessing and gift God had given me in my son.  Sean & I always wanted children and being a stay-at-home mommy was always a dream of mine.  To see that dream become a reality, still leaves me in awe sometimes.

And then, even that preschool age faded as he turned 5 last fall.  FIVE?!  How could I have a five year old?!  I had babies, not children!!!  But, much to our chagrin, they do grow up.

With almost six years of motherhood under my belt, there are times where I wish I could go back and savor every moment of those one on one times I had with my firstborn.  I did not know how fast it would go by and how much I would miss it!  So, here we stand today...with our first hill behind us(infancy/toddlerhood/preschool years)...and our first cliff before us - where my baby will take his first flight (kindergarten)!  I pray that he does well; I know this is not the last flight he'll take as he has many more ahead of him.  Mama might shed a few tears, but I'll be his biggest cheerleader.  I anticipate what lies ahead of this young man.  I have known from the time he was in my womb that God's hand was upon him.  His name means "God's gift of laughter," and I know he will touch the world with that.  He has a very outgoing personality and a compassionate heart.  Shortly after his birth, it was prophesied that he would go to lands and do things that his grandfather and father only dreamed of reaching.  I cannot wait to see this come into fruition!
Nathan, as we stand here together just 4 days before your big first flight, know that you can do ALL things through Jesus who gives you strength (Phil 4:13 - the first verse you ever memorized).  May His love be the wind that allows you to soar through this!  I love you very much, sweetie, and will always be here for you cheering you on!

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