Yes, I am about a week and a half late in posting this, but this new schedule is kicking my booty! I think we are finally starting to fall into a routine, but I know it takes a month to form a habit...I guess we are halfway there. :)
The day before school started, I had my sister take a family picture at church. It turned out really nice.
I needed it for Nathan's lunchbox. See:
I know that some parents put notes in their kids' lunches every day, but my kindergartener can't read yet! I thought this would be a nice reminder of how much his family loves him. But, I wasn't sure if it would embarrass him, because, you know, he has a reputation to maintain. He put all my fears aside, though, when the first thing he said upon entering the van after school was, "You put a picture in my lunch!" with a big grin. Whew! He even checked the next morning to make sure that I had left it there. One and a half weeks later, it's still there and will probably remain there until we decide to replace it, it becomes ruined or I am asked to remove it.
I had a friend recently start an embroidery business so I asked her to make a "Kindergarten Rocks" shirt for Nathan. It turned out AWESOME! (Even Daddy liked it.) Our little man was HAPPY to show it off the first day of school...after he had hoped right out of bed, scarfed down breakfast, and gotten dressed.
We got Nathan to school a bit early - around 7:30-7:40 a.m. Because it was the first day, we were able to walk him in...and yes, we all 4 walked him in as Sean went in to work late that day so he could go. Nathan was most impressed by his locker.
He strutted into class, and Sean helped him find his seat. I snuck in for one last glimpse of my baby and a picture of he and his teacher, Ms. Cone. Oh, yeah...and that one last glimpse...I was hoping for a hug, kiss...something! I had to ask for a hug, and it was quite forced. My baby is growing up!
I didn't think to get any pictures of he and I or he and Sean. Let's just say that I was not quite myself that day. I didn't cry...BUT when we went to the Coffee and Kleenex breakfast for new parents, one of the PTO moms asked me how it went...I felt the tears well up, and I couldn't speak there for a minute. I was pretty much that way during the entire breakfast...heck, I was like that the entire day! All someone had to do was get me talking about my baby growing up.
For dinner that night, we went to Chuck E. Cheese to celebrate OUR first day of kindergarten.
A week and a half later, Nathan is thriving. His teacher told me that he makes friends with everyone - yep, that's my boy. (my politician) He jumps out of bed in the morning and gets ready for school without too much prompting. He gets in the van every afternoon talking about how much fun he had at school. Nate is an older kindergartener - he will turn 6 next month; he was so ready to start school this year (but was definitely not ready last year). As for me, I am getting used to the routine. I LOVE hearing his excitement about school and becoming a big kid...and yet, I also love seeing his face light up and seeing him wave when he sees me in the carpool lane. He might have made his first flight of independence, but he still holds my heart!
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