Friday, October 3, 2008


OK, I don't know how many of you read this, but if you do, I need some help (ladies!).

I need a hair cut...and I don't know how to get it cut!!! I've had the swing cut where it's shorter in the back and longer in the front/sides. However, I thought it was too short. I've thought about doing the whole bob thing with it longer in the front...but, is that cut still in? Also, I don't know WHAT to do with my bangs! I've had them straight across my forehead, but I have a cowlick up front that makes it part anyways. I don't know that it looks good parted to the side because I have a big forehead. So, what should I do??? I want to keep it no shorter than my chin (I have a long face and found that this looks best). Any ideas? Celeb photos or something? I have been told that I have a lot of hair, but it's very fine. Translation...seems thin b/c so fine, no body (limp). Layering seems to help with the body in my hair...

H E L P!!!

Here are some pics of me to help...

See how the bangs still tend to part?

Straight from the hairdresser - a bit shorter than I like, but like the cut (Make sense?)


Stefanie said...

Hey girl, I'm readin'!! I am a HUGE fan of the stacked bob! It is way popular right now. Look at Victoria Beckham and Jessica Simpson and Jenny McCarthy, etc. Is your hair naturally curly? Oh well, nothin' a flat iron can't fix! GO FOR THE BOB!!!

Helen said...

Wish I could help, but I have no clue... Maybe just some kind of pixie cut? Have you already gotten it cut & I missed it?

Lingenfelter said...

Bob..who is it like a bobble head???? The Bob. :)

Just kidding...

I really did not like the cut that you had in the second pic...The bob idea sounds cute. Go for it "Hot Momma!" :)

Dawn Endres said...

I had "always" had bangs and sprayed them stiff. haha! I finally let them grown out and it looks better and I have a natural part on the side. I think I just look better, especially with longer hair. Have you considered growing your bangs out? Just a thought. The graduated bob is a popular hair-do right now. Good luck! I think you look great no matter what!