Yes, I am still alive. And yes, I know it has been a while since I have updated. The reason behind this is due to what I posted 2 posts ago - the baby! I have battled SEVERE nausea and vomiting with the pregnancy for the past 4-5 weeks. Luckily, I am entering my 2nd trimester, and the doctor says that should be ending soon. For info on more of that...check out the baby's blog. :)
Our new niece arrived on April 7th. Caylin Dakota arrived at 3:48 p.m. weighing 7 lbs. 7 oz. at 20.5 inches. She is a tiny little thing, but so beautiful. Per her parents' permission, I will try to upload and post some pics of her soon.
We had a beautiful Easter. We celebrated the resurrection of Jesus at church that morning with our church family. Afterwards, we went over to Sean's mom's house for an Easter lunch and egg hunt - even though it was wet and muddy. (Thank goodness for patios.) I have some photos from the special day that I am going to upload in a bit and hopefully, I can post those soon. (I'm making no promises as to when!)
Nathan is busy playing t-ball this spring, and Sean is busy coaching. It's quite humorous at their games. Instead of catching the ball and throwing it to the appropriate location, they are busy fighting over who got the ball. (Think football more than t-ball.) Kicking the dirt and playing in the grass are popular occurences as well. Luckily, most of our boys have learned to hit the ball off the tee...that's a big improvement! I should have some photos to post of this fun endeavor also. We are looking forward to this Friday when we get to go to the Rough Riders' baseball game with our whole team! (Rough Riders are our minor league team.)
Perhaps the biggest disappointment this month arrived on April Fool's. Unforunately, the news we received was not a joke. Sean was laid off from his job. So, he has been desperately looking for a new job. Every time I have gotten pregnant, though, he has changed jobs and always gotten something better. So, when I found out I was pregnant this time, I jokingly asked him if he was ready for a new job. Little did I know how prophetic that statement would be! He has had some very promising interviews so we are holding out hope on those. But, we know that our provision comes from God so we put our faith in Him to see what He has in store for our family!
Oh, and Sean took his professional engineering test this past Friday. It was an 8 hour exam. We will find out around July if he is "officially" a professional engineer. :)
That's about it. I will try to get some photos up soon because if you're like me, that's the most exciting part about blogs. :) Until then...Blessings on each of you!