Monday, August 10, 2009
Throughout middle school and high school, I had several pen pals (some of whom I am still friends with today...none of whom I have ever met). I was always known by the notes of encouragement I would pass out to people at church. I would write notes to friends when we went on vacation and even started a story, which was never fully completed. People always saw me with a pen and paper nearby. Six years ago, I graduated from college with a degree in literary studies with the full intention of writing "some day." I figured it would be the perfect career to have while being a stay-at-home mommy and raising a family, not to mention the fact that I really enjoy writing.
Well, it seems that "someday" may have arrived. Perhaps the reason I have neglected my blog so much is because I am ignoring the nudging God is doing in my spirit. Within the last two weeks, I have received a couple of words at church about writing and fulfilling my calling. Then, this weekend, I went to see the movie, "Julie & Julia" with a girlfriend of mine. While the main focus of this movie is about cooking, there is an underlying theme about writing, and it was even more fire under me.
I honestly don't know what I'm going to write about or where to start. Sean and I have a few ideas for children's books that we have been tossing around so maybe I'll start there. How to get published or who to contact....that kind of thing is what I am clueless about so if you have any suggestions or contacts, please let me know.
I'll keep you posted on what evolves from this journey. In the meantime, I could use all of the prayers, encouragement and support as I embark on this endeavor that cannot be ignored.
Sunday, June 7, 2009
Still Here

Both boys are growing like weeds. It is hard to believe that I will have a 3 year old and a 5 year old by the end of the year! They aren't "babies" anymore....but at least I'll have a new baby to keep me feeling younger.
While both boys are definitely growing, Elijah is the one who is huge. He inherited the Lingenfelter side's big bones (which skipped Sean). He is STOUT...oh, which, by the way, is what his middle name (Cade) means (we didn't know this when we named him but how appropriate). He is solid. He is just a few inches shorter than Nathan, but I think they are only 1-2 lbs. different in weight. When you pick them up, Elijah feels much heavier!
Speaking of Eljah...our passive baby has turned into a fiesty, defiant 2 year old. We are working on breaking his strong will - which wears me out often. The good news is that he is fully potty trained!!! He just mastered night-time and naptime training. Gone are the days of diapers and Pull-Ups for him. I am just happy that I will only have 1 kid in diapers this fall, not 2. Wahoo!
Sean is still looking for a permenant job, but in the meantime, he is working for my dad and brother. It gets a little overwhelming and stressful at times when you start thinking about the whole ordeal. He has a tendancy to get a bit depressed sometimes. But, we are continuing to trust God and know that He will be faithful to provide for our every need, however that may be.
Sean and I celebrated our 10th wedding anniversary this past Friday. My parents watched the boys overnight (Elijah's first time) while Sean and I stayed at the hotel where our wedding reception was held - Embassy Suites. We had dinner at a Japenese restaurant downtown that we like called Kenichi. It was great, as always. We walked through Victory Park and saw the Channel 8 news anchors preparing for the evening news. :) On Saturday, we had a late breakfast at the hotel and then went to the dollar theater for a movie before picking up the boys. Once we picke them up and were settled, we headed to Grapevine Mills Mall to look around AND have dinner at Rainforest Cafe. The night Sean and I were engaged, we had dinner at Rainforest Cafe. So, ever since Nathan was born, we have taken him there to celebrate our anniversary. The boys had a blast. Elijah was scared last year, but he LOVED it this year. He just didn't want to get too close to those moving elephants. LOL Overall, we had a fabulous weekend! I am so blessed to be married to such a wonderful man for a decade now. I am praying that we have many, many more to come. In the meantime, we will enjoy every day that we have together.
I know I am behind on photos, but I am hoping to catch up on those these week too. So, hopefully, I'll have a bunch of catch-up photos to post within the next few days. In the meantime, I hope everyone has a wonderful day! I'll check in soon.
Monday, April 27, 2009
Baby Caylin
Keep Praising
“Life is full of unexpected surprises” - we have all heard that phrase before, and I dare say that most of us have experienced our fair share of “unexpected surprises.” I am sure that several life experiences have already come to mind. How we deal with these unexpected surprises is up to us. We basically have two choices: we can allow the burdens of this world to pull us down into deep despair, or we can praise God for His hand and will in our lives and trust Him to see us through. While the choice seems simple enough, carrying it out is something much more difficult.
In Psalm 34:1, the Psalmist says, I will bless the Lord at all times; His praise shall continually be in my mouth. (NKJV) Perhaps, if we each got a handle of the depth of this Scripture, handling life’s difficulties would be so much easier. To be able to praise God continually – even through the hardest trails of life – would allow us to experience so much less stress and even draw us into a deeper relationship with our Lord Jesus.
Like most of you, life has thrown me some pretty unpleasant “surprises.” Back in 2004, Sean lost his job, and I conceived our first child within the same week! For the first seven months of my pregnancy, Sean was unemployed. This should have rattled me to the core, but instead, I had a peace inside that I simply cannot explain (even now). I continued to keep praising God and putting my faith in Him to deliver us. Although the wait seemed to take forever, He finally did pull us out and provided for us in ways beyond our imagination.
I think my biggest “surprise” came last fall when we started trying to conceive. This had never been a problem for Sean and me. Nathan was conceived shortly after I got off birth control, and Elijah’s arrival was a bit of a surprise. J So, when we decided to start trying for number three, I never imagined it would take seven months! Every month when my cycle arrived, I would cry tears of disappointment. I wondered why God would not answer our prayers…especially when our four year old was praying fervently for a new baby. What kind of God ignores the prayers of a four year old child?! I really struggled with my faith during this time; I struggled with seeing God’s blessing in this area of my life. Of course, my past struggles with the uterine infection (following Elijah’s birth) just played into my fears of never conceiving again. Finally, my pastor told us just to relax and leave it up to God. He prayed over us one Sunday, and then told us to forget about it and let God do as He had planned. It was then that I refocused and began praising God for everything in my life – everything He had given me, everything He had done and was going to do. Sure enough, I got pregnant the next month.
The Word tells us that God inhabits the praises of His people. When we praise Him, He allows His blessings to flow in our lives. As you face life’s “unexpected surprises,” may His praise continually be in your mouth. Praise the Lord!
Still Alive
Our new niece arrived on April 7th. Caylin Dakota arrived at 3:48 p.m. weighing 7 lbs. 7 oz. at 20.5 inches. She is a tiny little thing, but so beautiful. Per her parents' permission, I will try to upload and post some pics of her soon.
We had a beautiful Easter. We celebrated the resurrection of Jesus at church that morning with our church family. Afterwards, we went over to Sean's mom's house for an Easter lunch and egg hunt - even though it was wet and muddy. (Thank goodness for patios.) I have some photos from the special day that I am going to upload in a bit and hopefully, I can post those soon. (I'm making no promises as to when!)
Nathan is busy playing t-ball this spring, and Sean is busy coaching. It's quite humorous at their games. Instead of catching the ball and throwing it to the appropriate location, they are busy fighting over who got the ball. (Think football more than t-ball.) Kicking the dirt and playing in the grass are popular occurences as well. Luckily, most of our boys have learned to hit the ball off the tee...that's a big improvement! I should have some photos to post of this fun endeavor also. We are looking forward to this Friday when we get to go to the Rough Riders' baseball game with our whole team! (Rough Riders are our minor league team.)
Perhaps the biggest disappointment this month arrived on April Fool's. Unforunately, the news we received was not a joke. Sean was laid off from his job. So, he has been desperately looking for a new job. Every time I have gotten pregnant, though, he has changed jobs and always gotten something better. So, when I found out I was pregnant this time, I jokingly asked him if he was ready for a new job. Little did I know how prophetic that statement would be! He has had some very promising interviews so we are holding out hope on those. But, we know that our provision comes from God so we put our faith in Him to see what He has in store for our family!
Oh, and Sean took his professional engineering test this past Friday. It was an 8 hour exam. We will find out around July if he is "officially" a professional engineer. :)
That's about it. I will try to get some photos up soon because if you're like me, that's the most exciting part about blogs. :) Until then...Blessings on each of you!
Wednesday, March 18, 2009
Take Me Out to the Ball Game
I have been trying to get this video to upload for weeks, and it finally worked today! Wahoo! This is Nathan singing "Take Me Out to the Ball Game" and then some song about Leonardo, the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtle, that he made up.
Monday, March 2, 2009
Nathan & Elijah's Big News!
So that I don't BOMBARD this blog with pregnancy news, I have started a pregnancy blog. You can keep up to date with pregnancy news at
Saturday, February 28, 2009
Babies, Babies...Everywhere!!!
THEN, we found out last week that MY SISTER IS PREGNANT!!! We are even more thrilled. I have to say that I have been waiting for my sister to get pregnant for a long time. Although, having your baby sister pregnant is kinda weird....then again, my baby brother getting married is even more bizarre!!!
So, that's all the excitement around here. Everything is baby, baby, baby...I'm sure the guys are quite sick of it now!!! LOL

Megan (future SIL), Sam (brother) and me

Chris (BIL), me, Charity (sis)

Dad, me, Mom

Amber (BFF) holding her 2 year old, Isaac, with me holding her 4 year old, Grant

Sean and I about to hit the rink - amazing we're standing!!!
This is what your knee will look like if you ice skate over the age of 29. LOL
January started off with a bang, but got kinda boring after that. LOL My dad went on his annual mission trip to Nepal a week after my birthday. He was gone for two full weeks, but they flew by fairly quickly. We spent some time with my mom keeping her company.

Made with red velvet cake mix...baked like cookies...filled with cream cheese icing!
The boys loved them - not sure why they are eating them this way!
Last weekend was full of parties...on Saturday, the boys attended a birthday party while I hosted a bridal shower with church. Later tha evening, we attended Sean's mom's surprise birthday party. I won't say how YOUNG she is, but it was a BIG one! :) We celebrated at Texas Land and Cattle with other family members and some of their close friends.
Elijah enjoying cake at a friends' party! ARGH, Matie!!!
Elijah with Gigi, Osye and their friends at Gigi's birthday party!
And, here we are today...Elijah and Sean went to the store this morning to get stuff to turn on soaker hoses for the foundation. Deuce had destroyed the others so Sean got new ones and a tie down for Deuce (to be used while soakers are out/on). :) Meanwhile,I straighted up Elijah's room - we can walk through it now - and then I cleared and organized the linen closet while the boys napped. Tonight, I addressed som baby shower invites. Exciting, huh? I wanted to get into Nate's room to work tonight, but I didn't get a chance. Oh, well. Maybe one day next week.
Friday, January 23, 2009
"I Wanna Go Home!"

Thursday, January 22, 2009
Day After Christmas

Christmas Photos - only a month late!
But, I couldn't update without at least including photos and info on Christmas. :)
Christmas Eve: We attended an afternoon candlelight service at my best friend's church in Plano - Grace Community. Since we got out right at dusk, and they are located right next to Deerfield, we decided to take the boys on a tour of lights. They loved it! After our short sight-seeing, or should I see "light-seeing," tour, we headed to Sean's mom's house for Christmas Eve dinner (tradition is soup, baked potato this year) and gift exchange with his grandparents and aunts. We headed home around 9 to get cookies made for Santa and get two very excited little boys in bed. For some reason, I didn't get pictures at Sean's mom's house...I kept forgetting once I started helping the boys open! But, here are a few other shots from the day...

These are Boo-Boo Kits that the boys and I made as gifts.

What was inside of the Boo-Boo Kit!

Look what Santa left Elijah!

Look what Santa left Nathan!
Christmas Day: Our morning started before sun-up on Christmas Day. Ugh! Be forewarned...apparently, I am not very good with the camera at that hour b/c I didn't get the best shots AND my point and shoot was on a wonky setting so some of those shots are BW! Anyways, we got up between 6 and 7, I believe, to open gifts as a family. Then, we went to Sean's mom's for Christmas breakfast and to exchange gifts with her, Sean's sis and brother-in-law, etc. From there, we went to my grandparents' house in Burleson for lunch. (The boys and I slept on the 1 hour trip there.) We stayed until dark to see my grandfather's Christmas lights, which he is very proud of! That evening, we went to my parents' house to celebrate Christmas with my parents and siblings. It was a very busy day, but filled with lots of love and family...we wouldn't have it any other way!
Ever seen Sean in glasses?
The boys with Daddy and Uncle Andrew